Energetically Her

Creating Quantum Leaps by Using Your Intuition and Emotions with Kayla Rose Stevens

April 09, 2024 Kayla Langholf Season 1 Episode 49

Featuring the incredible intuitive healer, Kayla Rose Stevens for a brand-new episode! How she transformed from chronic illness and panic attacks to now having a soul led business helping others heal, close friendships that mean the absolute world, and living in her dream high rise apartment overlooking Dallas, TX. 

✨Kaylas best tips for connecting with your intuition
✨Pivotal moments where Kayla quantum leaped her reality
✨The connection between emotions and symptoms/dis-ease/ illness
✨Why releasing suppressed emotions helps you manifest quicker
✨Biggest misconceptions about healing “trauma" 
✨Why most people have "hidden trauma" and what it means 
✨How much power do we really have (free will vs destiny)

Kayla Rose Stevens:
